Alexander Abramenko regretted about a photo with the Russian Burov Ilya at the Olympic Games

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The Ukrainian fristaylist Alexander Abramenko, the Olympic champion of 2018 and the silver prize-winner of Igr-2022, admitted that regretted about the joint photo made during the Olympic competitions in South Korean Pyeongchang, with the bronze medallist the Russian Burov Ilya. According to the Ukrainian athlete, at the Games-2022 in Beijing he even asked Burov Ilya which took the third place not to be photographed any more together. "Then I did not understand. Now I realize why it it was not necessary to do at all. When there are competitions, we do not communicate, everyone is occupied with the work. When understood that I the second, and Burov Ilya –...
Victoria Sinitsina
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
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Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Alexander Abramenko
Last position: The professional athlete on freestyle
Burov Ilya