Loss of a sign role and wife, awful falling: twisting way Leonov Eugenie Borisovich - Gladysheva

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The well-known actor saw a lot of grief in life. In the 70th years Eugenie Borisovich Leonov-Gladyshev was very popular actor. However and to it it happened to fail tests. Loss of a role Sharapov Vladimir in the cult serial Soviet film "The Meeting Place Can Not Be Changed" was one of the most painful disappointments in career of the actor. Initially the director of the movie Stanislas Govorukhin saw in this role Leonov Eugenie Borisovich - Gladysheva, but the arts council of the movie refused to the director. Leonov Eugenie Borisovich wanted to play more strong-willed Sharapov Vladimir which would resist to Zheglov more clearly. But the arts council made a choice in favor of Sharapov Vladimir...