The actress and the singer Gromova Viveya ] die

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On the 94th year of life the soloist of the opera State budget cultural institution Moscow "MAMT" Gromova Viveya died. The message on it appeared on a site of FRAMES NAMED AFTER IMENI GNESINYKH ". on August 9 the honored actress Russian Federation, the soloist Muzykalnogo theaters died, professor of chair of solo singing of Gromova Viveya ", - is spoken in it. Farewell to the actress will take place today, on August 12, at 13.00 in hospital No. 51. Gromova Viveya was born on January 3, 1928 in Kiev in a musical family. In the 1946th arrived in National musical academy Ukraine named after P. I. Chaykovskogo, having studied year, moved to Moscow and...