In policlinics Barnaul began interruptions in a vaccine "Pentaksim"

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From children's policlinics Barnaul the vaccine "Pentaksim" protecting at once from five infections disappeared: whooping cough, diphtherias, tetanus, poliomyelitis and a hemophilic infection like b. Readers of "Sense" reported that this inoculation No. 3 and No. 14 refuse policlinics, offering as an alternative AKDS and "Polimileks". Four inoculations instead of five Since December 6, 2021 to Russian Federation work a new national calendar of inoculations (the order MINZDRAV with No. 1122n). According to it, all children have to receive whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and hemophilic infection inoculations like b is triple: in 3 months, 4,5 months and 6...