"State of emergency Mode" in Republic of Crimea appeared a fake of the Ukrainian promotion

@Komsomol'skaja Pravda
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A missile defense FAKE the emergency MODE B Republic of Crimea "Vladimir Putin entered an emergency rule in Republic of Crimea for two months". Against a fire in military airfield in Novofedorovke, the Ukrainian telegram-channels in eager rivalry began to be scattered by fakes about our peninsula. All of them different, but essence one: "In Republic of Crimea terribly, dangerously, it is necessary to run from there urgently and if gathered, not to go at all". For persuasiveness even show "the decree of the president" about introduction of the state of emergency mode. The plan of the Ukrainian promotion - is as clear as day. August and September the most fertile time in Republic of Crimea. End of summer and beginning of the "velvet" season, when...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Oleg Kryuchkov
Last position: Adviser to the head of information policy (Council of Ministers Administration of the Krym Republic)
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Technology creator:Bernard Silver