The ex-mayor Perm can hold a post of the regional ombudsman

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The former mayor Perm and the ex-deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Igor Sapko can become Commissioner for Human Rights in Prikamye. About it reports the edition" newspaper "Kommersant"" with reference to the sources. One more candidate on a post of the ombudsman experts call the chairman PROO "NASMNOGO" Yermakova Irina. However experts consider as the favourite nevertheless Igor Sapko. According to mass media, the regional authorities began consultations on candidate to a position of the ombudsman. Now the Commissioner for Human Rights in the region is Pavel...
Igor Sapko
Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on regional policy and local government)
Pavel Mikov
Last position: Minister (Уполномоченный по правам человека в of the Perm Territory)
Yermakova Irina