Rating of the known persons who were born on August 8

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To Globalmsk.R presents TOP-3 celebrated personalities which were born on August 8. Heartily we wish all birthday men happy birthday. We wish great success, indispensable good luck and a set of joyful and happy events. Let at you...
Nikita Vysotsky
Last position: Professor of department of direction and skill of the actor (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Jaroslaw Mandron
Last position: Deputy CEO for post business and social services, board member (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST RUSSIA")
Stanislas Sadalsky
Last position: Actor
Yuly Solomonovich Gusman
Last position: Chairman of the board (FUND NPGI)
Maxime Osadchy
Last position: Cameraman, director, actor