The deputy head Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan were received by a medal – In April at it passed searches

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The deputy head Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan were received by a medal – In April at it passed searches the Deputy minister of health care of the republic Irina Kononov received a commemorative medal for fight with Koronavirus. Such decision was made by WORKERS' UNION ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYA Russian Federation. By data Regionalny Minzdrav, Irina Kononov provided the organization of rendering medical aid to the population in the period of epidemic of Koronavirus. Here enters both expansion of infectious hospitals, and delivery drugs and vaccines. "With its participation questions of work, a life and rest of medics working with watches are adjusted, questions of observance of the labor law are adjusted...
Irina Kononov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Regionalny Minzdrav
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