"Tobol" minimum conceded in a match with two removals on start of the third round of League of conferences of UEFA

@Nasha gazeta
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The first matches of the third qualification rand of League of conferences of UEFA took place within which kostanaysky "Tobol" played on a visit against the champion Bosnia and Herzegovina Zrinski club from the city Mostar. After a departure the first qualification round of UEFA Champions League from Hungarian Football club "Ferentsvarosh" from Budapest (0:0, 1:5) "Tobol" won the second round of League of conferences of UEFA against the champion Gibraltar the Lincoln Red Imps team (2:0, 1:0). The similar way passed also "Zrinski", for the seventh time become to the strongest in the country. The club from Mostar began Eurocup a season-2022/2023 with performance in League...