At the initiative of Nikolaev - on - Cupid transport prosecutor's offices the driver of the air enterprise deprived of the right of managements for driving in a state of intoxication] is discharged of execution of labor dutie

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Nikolaev - on - Cupid transport prosecutor's office checked legitimacy of the admission to performance of labor duties of the driver office cars structural division of the air enterprise. It is established that the resolution of world judges of 13.02.2022 the specified worker is brought to administrative responsibility according to p.1 Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences (management by the personal car in an alcohol intoxication) in the form of a penalty of 30 thousand rubles, and also deprived of the right of managements by vehicles for 1 year of 7 months. However guilty the driver's license did not hand over, about its invalidity...