A comprehensive plan of decriminalization of the sphere of ecology and environmental management in operation Kemerovo district Interdistrict prosecutor's office of nature conservation revealed the illegal cabin of trees the damage from which made more than 80 thousand rubles

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Kemerovo district Interdistrict prosecutor's office of nature conservation together with territorial department of the Kemerovo forest area held the road event directed on counteraction to illegal preparation of wood. As a result of the carried-out raid in the natural boundary Kemerovo in the Mazurovsky local forest area the illegal cabin of birches is revealed. The damage from a crime made more than 80 thousand rubles. On materials public prosecutor's checks are brought criminal case according to the item "g" of h. 2 Art. 260 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the illegal cabin of forest plantings in a large size). Investigation of criminal case is on control...