Minpromtorg predicted decline in demand to Russian Federation on copper and aluminum twice

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Consumption coppers and aluminia to Russian Federation will fall in 2022 twice, to 220–250 thousand tons and 720–760 thousand tons, predicts Minpromtorg. As these metals not under sanctions, companies will be able to compensate decrease due to growth of export Integrated company "Rossiysky alyuminy" to RUAL of ₽44,93 - 2,23% to Buy PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MMC"NORILSK NICKEL" to GMKN of ₽14 710 - 0,3% to Buy the Photo: Novoderezhkin Anton / information agency "ITAR-TASS" Demand for copper and aluminum to Russian Federation in 2022 will fall more than twice, to 220–250 thousand tons and 720–760 thousand tons respectively. Such assessment is given in the project of strategy of developments metallurgical industry till 2030 which was developed by Minpromtorg. At daily business newspaper "RBK daily"...
Valery Dzhekovich Kazikaev
Novoderezhkin Anton
Danilov Vasilii
Khazanov Leonid