The great-grandson of the known patron told about destiny of park in Republic of Crimea

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The Saratov painters Kuznetsov Pawel, Utkin Petr and the sculptor Alexander Matveev at the beginning of last century created in Republic of Crimea a pearl of landscape gardening art of the Silver age - the Kuchuk-Koy New park Koy Kuchuk. For work of artists then the patron known in due time Zhukovsky Yakov invited. To understand level of the collector, it is enough to mention that in his meeting there were such masterpieces, as Levitan's picture "Indian summer" and Vrubelya's who is storing nowadays in the Tretyakov gallery the "Sir". Recently the great-grandson of the collector Zhukovsky Petr took part in opening of exhibitions in Radishchevsky's branch museums – the house-...