The family will play party

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Having lost on elections President of the Republic of France, but having achieved considerable success in a course of fight for parliament, Marine Le Pen decided to leave finally a post of the head of the party "National Association" and to concentrate at work as the head of parliamentary group of the extremely right. The question of the one who will take its place, will be solved in the fall, but already is now clear that for the first time in the history of party will call him not Marine Le Pen. However, "National association" remains under control families, the correspondent newspaper "Kommersant" to France Tarkhanov Aleksey is sure. Marine Le Pen (in the center) hesitates between Zhordan Bardella (at the left) and Louis...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Eric Zemmur
Last position: Writer, journalist
"National Front"
Political ideology:Social conservatism, anti-globalism, Euroscepticism, protectionism.