Why you have to know me: director of the center of culture of "World" Kazarnovskaya Eugenie

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Was born and grew in Moscow. Studied on department of history of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University. Studied philosophy of the Russian icon. If to try to answer a question that since the childhood to me specified a way to lives, it, perhaps, interest to something bigger, than our material world. For example, at university I studied works of the religious philosopher of the lake Florensky Pawel which considered an icon as border terrestrial and heavenly, visible and invisible. The metaphysical border of two worlds was always interesting to me. Art, culture, religion, creativity — all these different ways to learn itself and to appear where the world is felt...