Exclusive: futsy UFL it is ready for 80% and has to leave in the planned time

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Work on a football simulator of UFL was in the home stretch. Game is ready for 80%. Now developers are engaged in final control of a product, eliminate bugs in animation, test physics of football players and a ball, and also various mechanics and the general functionality of game fulfill. About it in the "Game addiction" comment rasskazalseo Strikerz Inc. Evgeny Nashilov. "Before start of development we established to UFL for ourselves very high level — we create a class AAA premium product. It will not be simple one more football simulator, and the real sports brand where game — is the center of all ecosystem. We...
Football club "Sporting"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Vest Khem United"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Rangers FC
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