The Ryazan boxers – owners of a command Cup Russian Federation

@Rjazanskie vedomosti
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Yvan Aleksandrovich Sagaydak, Svyatoslav Teterin and Shitov Sergei won an honourable sports trophy in a line-up Central Federal District. Tournament took place in Serpukhov on July 25-30. For the Cup collectives of 8 federal districts and 2 cities of federal value – Moscow and Saint Petersburg fought. Boxers Central Federal District on a competition course in group A won victories over Muscovites and Petersburgers with the identical score 24:15, and as athletes North Caucasian Federal District – 26:12. In the final the team Central Federal District got the best of a team Ural Federal District with the score 22:17. Yvan Aleksandrovich Sagaydak (weight category to 92 kg)...
Yvan Aleksandrovich Sagaydak
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing (Boxing federation Russia)
Svyatoslav Teterin
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing (LLC "CLUB BOKSA VDV")
Shitov Sergei
Kashcheev Alexander