The latest news about a situation on and around Ukraine for July 31, 2022: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky taught the wounded military to do a goat by remained two fingers, and the Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk declared evacuation of the population Donets Basin

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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky the President (for the present) Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky after a photoshoot with the spouse for the glossy magazine TAUGHT the WOUNDED IN the DO HOSPITAL "GOAT" visited military hospital where also was photographed, only now against the wounded Ukrainian military. And again, figuratively speaking walked smack in a pool. So, for example, he taught the military who has lost as a result of fragmental wound two fingers on a hand (average and anonymous) to do "goat" remained index and a little finger, thus Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky had very cheerful and intricate appearance of the comedian who has told very cheerful and witty reprise...