Three participants of the Ombudsman of Police project detained on the case of a false denunciation

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Colleagues of the founder of the Ombudsman of Police project Andina Irina, Moiseev Eugenie and Fedorov Vasilii pass accused on the case of a false denunciation. About it reports information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to words of chapter of management information and public relations of GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation across Moscow Vladimir Vasenin. "Concerning three citizens criminal case on signs of the crime provided by h is brought. 3 Art. 306 of the criminal code of Russian Federation "Obviously false denunciation"" — were told by him. The maximum punishment under this article makes six years of imprisonment. In pablike the Ombudsman of Police project in social network "VKontakte" it is reported that Moiseev Eugenie...
Vladimir Vorontsov
Last position: Founder of the Ombudsman of Police project
Vladimir Vasenin
Last position: Head of Information Department and public relations (Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Moscow)
Andina Irina
Moiseev Eugenie
Fedorov Vasilii