As at the Tula athletes pass trainings on a bicycle track in Zarechie: reporting

@Moja Sloboda
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The sporting venue was capitally repaired at the request of city manager Dmitry Milyaev. On July 29 chapter of Administration of the municipal entity Tula city Dmitry Milyaev examined work of the mini-bicycle track located on Lunacharsky St., and communicated to young athletes. Let's remind, the velogorodok appeared in 2011. Six years later it City administration transferred to Administration office physical culture and sport, but the object was unsuitable to operation — was executed with violation of technologies. At the request of Dmitry Milyaev on a bicycle track made capital repairs. About 10 million rubles were allocated. Builders made the new...
Dimitri Milyaev
Main activity:Official
Rostovtseva Irina
Korobov Marya
Arkhipova Irina
Administration office physical culture and sport
City administration
Government Agency