Grigory Sluzhitel: Time of interpretations] cam

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Within "The Russian creative week" passed pablik-current" Theatre and literature". IPQuorum met the writer, the actor of "Theater studio" and the author of the Belakva's Dreams Telegram-channel Grigory Sluzhitel. Discussed, what role theater plays in our life, whether has the right the director to change the literary primary source, whether it is possible to become today Bulgakov Mikhail and as written by Grigory "Days of Saveli" removed from book pages on a stage the Russian youth theaters. As whom you consider today yourself: writing actor or the playing writer? Grigory Sluzhitel: It is hard to say...
Sergei Zhenovach
Last position: Professor, Head of the department of direction of the drama (RUSSIAN FEDERATION HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION TEATRALNOGO ISKUSSTVA-GITIS)
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