Andrey Beburishvili and Dukalis Xenia will conduct new educational show about sex

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Earlier this duet of leaders kept the YouTube-project for the known deytingovy appendix. It is even more news in our Telegram-channel, group of social network "VKontakte" and the channel Yandeks.Dzen ______________________________ comes on August 1 to Okko pilot release of the documentary project under the name "Sex. In search of answers" (18%2B). The resident of Comedy Club, the stendap-comedian and the TV host Andrey Beburishvili and the known Russian video blogger, the DJ and the businessman Dukalis Xenia became leaders of a cycle about stereotypes and myths about sex. The press service of strimingovy service reports about it. In the original project of a platform...
Andrey Beburishvili
Last position: Resident of the show "Comedy Club" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TNT-TELESET")
Vera Musaelyan
Last position: Singer, soloist of the Aloevera pop rock group
Olga Dibtseva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Dukalis Xenia