Dead elk and red dog. As in Barnaul there takes place exhibition for fishermen and hunters

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On July 28 in Barnaul exhibition "Hunting and fishery started Altai Territory 2022". In such format fans were going to do some shooting and leave rods for the first time in four years, and to show them is that. Exhibition will work at the Barnaul market of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" the invited guests. And still summing up assessment of expositions of trophies. "It is important that the hunter understood how lawfully to get a game, qualitatively to process a trophy that it for a long time remained" — the deputy governor Lukyanov Alexander noted. In the same day...
Boris Aleksandrovich Trofimov
Main activity:Politician
Lukyanov Alexander
Lyamzin Dimitri
Main activity:Culture and sports