The stocks "O'Key" grew for 28% at the Moscow exchange after news about revenue growth for the I half-year

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Actions of O’Key Group SA during auctions at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE on Thursday grew for 28% after the publication of the financial report of the retailer about growth of retail revenue in the I half-year for 10,4%, to 96,8 billion rubles, data trading floors testify. According to the exchange at 10:14 Moscow time, actions of companies grew for 28,2%, to 25,96 rub for paper. By 11:05 Moscow time the price of actions slowed down growth to 18,02% and made 23,9 rubles for paper. "O'Key" - the FMCG retailer, for March 31, 2022 the group included 232 shops Russian Federation (75 hypermarkets and 157 discounters) the total floor space of 620 thousand sq.m. In 2021 revenue...