The festival of the author's song "Big Bard Fishing" on the bank of the Chigirinsky reservoir starts on July 29

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Text: Irina Ovsepyan On Friday, July 29, in Mogilev Region, near the city of Bykhov, starts the largest festival of performers of the author's song "Big Bard Fishing". Three days of music and fishing on the picturesque coast of the Chigirinsky reservoir - that that are necessary for rest by all family. The idea to combine a bard festival with a fishing holiday came to the Belarusian bard Kulyagin Sergei more than ten years ago - since then "Big the bard fishing" managed to acquire a huge number of friends and the audience. Annually here some thousands of people spend time: fishermen, mushroom pickers, amateur performers and...
Pavel Lion (Psoy Korolenko)
Last position: Poet-chansonnier, author and performer of songs
Vyacheslav Yefimovich Malezhik
Last position: Singer, poet, composer
Kulyagin Sergei
Kulevsky Alexander
Chernyshev Alexander