"the Wandering museum" in legendary Lenfilm

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On July 21 in a film studio "Lenfilm", within cultural and educational tour Museums music and folklore of the people Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, took place displays of the first cinema child museums - the feature animation film based on olonkho Oyunsky P. A. "Nyurgun Bootur Stremitelny" and three short animated films according to fairy tales of a nositelnitsa of the Even language and Trayze Akulina - Nulgynech. The author heard these fairy tales from lips of the grandfather Perie: "Chaamykchaan nyaan kulaar" ("Mouse and seagull"), "Chaamykchaan nyaan dyliken" ("Mouse and fly") "Chaamykchaan nyaan ulichan" ("Mouse and fox"). - We again...
Olga Agrafenina
Main activity:Cultural worker
Oyunsky P. A.
Trayze Akulina
Pozdnyakov Alexander Nikolaevich
Reshetnikov Petr Mikhaylovich