Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov opened details of work on performances and cinema in the conditions of house arrest

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Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov to a pandemic of Koronavirus in perfection seized equipment of distant work. The director spent one and a half years under house arrest on charge of business of "The seventh studio", but the conclusion did not prevent it to continue work. Already being the person involved in criminal case Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov put the performance "Small Tragedies" in STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "MDT NAMED AFTER N. V. GOGOLYA", the opera "Cosi fan tutte" at the Zurich opera theater, "Genzel and Gretel" to the Stuttgart opera and shot the movie "Summer". Thus during house arrest Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov it was impossible to use Internet. In interview to Youri Aleksandrovich Dud (it is recognized...