10 brightest author's movies which submitted applications for state support to Ministry of culture

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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In MINISTRY KULTURY there took place protection of projects (the international term - a pitching) independent and experimental film. The observer of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" chose some projects which seemed to it curious. 1 . Pavel Semenovich Lungin pleased with scope of a plan. The movie "Chagall" will remove - as the director. Coproduction Russian Federation, France and Israel. Drimkast - Louie Garrel as Marc Chagall. And Alice de Lankese as Bella. Last star of movies "Franz", "Chocolate" and "Sirano. To be in time to a premiere". 2 . Shot the documentary film about the remarkable actor and the artist Sergei Simonovich Dreyden, and it developed into the art...
Louie Garrel
Last position: Actor, screenwriter, director
Pavel Lungin
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, producer
Paulina Gukhman
Last position: Actress
Alisa Freyndlikh
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Maxime Dashkin
Last position: Director, producer screenwriter
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