"Natural selection" will return with the third season this fall

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In Moscow shootings of the third season of series about appointments "Natural selection" which premiere is planned for fall of this year began. Alekhin Kirill, the press service reports Institutes developments Internet (IRI) with which support there is a project. photo: IRI press service the Second season came to the end with parting of the main characters – Vova and Alice. In new series the audience learns, whether they will be able to find mutual understanding or everyone will choose the way. "I will not open all secrets, but one of series — it is a wedding. Besides, we continue to experiment genres. In the past...
Yefim Petrunin
Last position: Actor
Julia Marycheva
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Artyom Grigoryev
Last position: Actor
Alekhin Kirill
Makarov Aleksey