The Russian grand master gave the forecast for possible opposition Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy with Dean Lizhenem. Today, on July 20, it became known that Magnus Carlsen refused a match for chess world career, which it

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The Russian grand master gave the forecast for possible opposition Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy with Dean Lizhenem. Today, on July 20, it became known that Magnus Carlsen refused a match for chess world career which he had to carry out with Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy. Now, most likely, the Russian will challenge a rank of the world champion in opposition with Dean Lizhenem. From duel Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy Sergei Nikolaevich Karyakin. "Chances, of course, are. Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy plays successfully against Dean Lizhenya. For example, on the last tournament of applicants it won against it. Before there was a tournament in Yekaterinburg, where they...
Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Magnus Carlsen (Magnus Carlsen)
Last position: The professional athlete on chess