The prosecutor Omsk Region Nicholas Studenikin will carry out a reception of citizens in prosecutor's offices Gorkovskoe district and Kormilovka district Omsk Region

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On July 21, 2022 the prosecutor Omsk Region Nicholas Studenikin will carry out a reception of citizens: - in 11 hours 30 min. in Prosecutor's office Gorkovskoe district Omsk region, located at the address: genitive. Gorky, Lenin St., 9; - in 14 hours 30 min. in Prosecutor's office Kormilovka district Omsk region, located at the address: genitive of Kormilovk, Pushkin St., 6. On personal reception citizens can submit the addresses containing data on violation of laws, to get advice by the current legislation. Preliminary record is carried out in prosecutor's office x Gorkovskoe district and Kormilovka district, and also in...