"Zenith" declared transition of Brazilian Ivan Kuarezma

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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He will act for blue-white-blue as rents In Petersburg "Zenith" from Brazilian "Korintians" the goalkeeper Ivan Kuarezma got over. The press service of the blue-white-blue reports about it. The rent contract is signed for one year with the right at "Zenith" of repayment of the player. "Blue-white-blue welcome Ivan Kuarezma in Saint Petersburg and wish good luck on a football field! " – it is told in the message. Ivan already decided on game number. He will play for "Zenith" at number "1". At different times the game uniform with such number was worn by Roman Berezovsky, Borodin Dmitry, Camyl Chontofalski, Youri Lodygin and...