In Nizhny Tagil the local appeared before court on charge of commission of a number of crimes concerning the neigbour in a communal flat

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In production Investigation department on of the Leninsk district of the Nizhny Tagil city Investigation department of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation on Sverdlovsk region was criminal case on charge of the man, 1990, in commission of the crimes provided ch.4 by Art. 111 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate causing heavy harm to the health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim), p.1 Art. 131 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (rape) and ch.2 Art. 132 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violent acts of sexual character). According to the investigation, in the afternoon on July 3, 2021 accused, being in an alcohol intoxication in a place of the accommodation in a communal flat in the territory...