The tiger and the girl decorated one of retaining walls in the center Vladivostok

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At the initiative of the Amur Tiger center and with support of Administration of Vladivostok the image of a rare striped predator will decorate a retaining wall near the house number 9 down the street Vsevolod Sibirtsev. New graffiti symbolizes harmony of the person with the nature, it is spoken in center release. About it transfers online edition "DV-ROSS". The initiative to put on a retaining wall the image of the Amur tiger, an animal symbol Vladivostok and only Primorsky Territory is devoted...
Sergei Aramilev
Last position: CEO (Independent noncommercial organization "Center "Amursky tigr")
Victor Eyrikhovich Gaus
Last position: Soccer coach (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PFK "KRYLYA SOVETOV")
Motofanov Sergei