Miscellaneous. ChM-2022. Gold in hammer throw was won by the Pole Pavel Faydek, his partner in the national team Novitsky Voytsekh won silver

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In Eugene passes the second day of the World Cup in track and field athletics. In the hammer throw final against men gold with the best result of a season in the world was won by the Pole Pavel Faydek — 81 meters 98 centimeters, having become the fivefold world champion. The Russian and Belarusian athletes are debarred from ChM-2022. The best result of a season among all representatives combined Belarus (Vasilchenko Youri — 78,17) would correspond to the eighth position in the final. ChM-2022. Hammer throw. Men 1. Pavel Faydek (Poland) — 81,98 2. Novitski Voytsekh (Poland) — 81,03 3. Eyvind Henriksen (Norway) —...
Novitsky Voytsekh
Vasilchenko Youri
Novitski Voytsekh