SEX AND PSYCHOSIS. Seven most memorable Russian movies about intim over the last ten years

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On Thursday to the Russian screens comes "Obsessed" – one of the most frank erotic and detective thrillers in our country. TV Mag remembers other modern movies of domestic productions which especially brightly open intimate subject both through frank scenes, and through a prism of deep psychological problems. INTIMATE PLACES Director: Merkulova Natalia and Aleksey Chupov Stars: Youri Kolokolnikov, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Julia Aug, Nikita Borisovich Tarasov, Katalymova Xenia, Aleksey Chupov, Shcheglova Catherina, Timur Badalbeyli, Yankovskaya Dinara, Artemyev Pawel At each inhabitant...
Youri Kolokolnikov
Last position: Actor, film director, film producer
Olesya Sudzilovskaya
Last position: Actress
Mikhail Segal
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, writer
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