Iecava will celebrate the 530 anniversary

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Next week, on July 15, Iecava will celebrate 530-year anniversary, reported in self-government.  Iyetsava is for the first time mentioned by LETA Iecava von Lorinkgofen published the document on a quitrent of peasants Iyetsava and Mezhotne to the estate. In the evening on Friday, July 15, festive procession will go to a platform of Iyetsavsky park. It will be preceded by a ceremony of recovery of contracts about cooperation with the Swedish municipality of Toreboda which on behalf of self-government Municipality of Bauska will be signed by the chairman of a thought Okmanis Ayvar...
Friedrich Johann
Okmanis Ayvar
Virza Edward
Kazaks Karlis
Palchuk Tatyana
Culture center