The grand master Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin considers Arkady Dvorkovich as the favourite in fight for a post of the president of World Chess Federation

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The Russian grand master Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin estimated chances of the president of World Chess Federation to be re-elected "1" on this post. He noticed that its relations with Arkady Dvorkovich deteriorated after World Chess Federation disqualified Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin for support of special operation Russian Federation in Ukraine, however, by words Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin, this fact do not influence an objective assessment of chances of candidates. "I think that Arkady Dvorkovich — the favourite, not really I understand who will be able really to oppose it something. Certainly, after my disqualification my relations with Arkady Dvorkovich deteriorated. But, on the other hand, now I...