The new art director" Theatres the Moon" became the director and the deputy Moscow City Duma Yevgeni Gerasimov

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Moscow. July 8. information agency "Interfaks" - the Art director the Moscow Theatres the Moon became the director, the national actor of Russian Federation, the deputy Moscow City Duma Yevgeni Gerasimov, the founder theaters Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov will hold a post of his president, reported in Department of Culture of the city of Moscow ". The new art director the Moscow theaters the Moon becomes the actor theaters and cinema, the director, the national actor of Russian Federation Yevgeni Gerasimov. The founder theaters the Moon Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov will hold a post of the president theaters", - reported to information agency "Interfaks" in the department press service. As Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov noted whom quoted in the press service, "30 years are...