Associations of developers of software want to simplify to the IT companies an entry into the exchange

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It can interest companies with annual proceeds from 1 billion to 25 billion rubles from Mintsifra's register Association of enterprises computer and information technologies and association of software developers of "Russoft" suggested to simplify process of an exit of the IT companies on the exchange due to state support. The president "Russofta" Valentine Leonidovich Makarov at the Innoprom-2022 conference. Information was confirmed by the chairman of the board on investments both to the exchanges at APKIT and "Russofta" Gennady Margolit, having specified that offers are sent to Mintsifry and to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. Mintsifra's representative...
Valentine Leonidovich Makarov
Dmitry Chernyshenko
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Gennady Margolit
Last position: The chief executive on the market of innovations and investments (PJSC Moscow Exchange)
Razumny Eugenie