Kirios Nikita about a semi-final with Raphael Nadal Parera: "Probably, it will be the looked most through match in the history"
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Kirios Nikita commented on a semi-final of Wimbledon tournament against Raphael Nadal Parera. "We with it had unreal fights on the Central court. We with it absolutely different people, but it seems to me that we devilishly respect each other. At the audience worldwide from such match slobbers will begin to flow. Probably, there will be the looked most through match in the history. It seems so to me". In 2014th Kirios Nikita beat Raphael Nadal Parera on Wimbledon tournament, and – Raphael Nadal Parera won against Kirios Nikita. As a whole the account in personal meetings 6:3 in favor of the Spaniard who won the last three matches. And the most popular match now is considered the final Open tennis championship of France-2011, in...