Andrian Fadeev: "How to transfer precepts Yakobson Leonid "from feet to feet"

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The art director – the director theaters the ballet of a name of Leonid Jacobson the honored artist Russian Federation about new projects on a scene Aleksandrinsky theater starts on July 5 our new project "A gold collection. Without interval". It is a series of performances from repertoire theaters will include display of classical performances and evening of the masterpieces created by the greatest choreographer of the XX century, the innovator and the reformer of the ballet Yakobson Leonid . In due time it blew up huge ballet space of our country the courageous and original creativity. We will show "The sleeping beauty" in edition...
Andrian Fadeev
Last position: Director, artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater baleta named after L. Yakobsona")
Yakobson Leonid
Guillaume Zhan
Aleksandrinsky theater
Main activity:Culture and sports