Vladivostok will join a festival "Cinema at Cinema"

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The social network social network "VKontakte" will carry out the closed displays of independent movies in 20 cities Russian Federation. In laynape a festival "Cinema at Cinema" – recently left pictures which have been positively noted by critics and the audience, but not got to number of the most untwisted. About it transfers online edition "DV-ROSS" with reference to the social network press service. The festival is urged to support film distributors and to remind the audience that in repertoire of movie theaters...
Paolo Dzhenoveze
Last position: Director, screenwriter
Dzhan-Karla Koppola (Dzhia Koppola)
Last position: Director, screenwriter, producer, actress
Patrice Lekont
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Manetti Antonio
Volodin Alexander