2010 год. Чехов + Стоянов = кино

К 150-летнему юбилею А.П. Чехова - «Смерть в пенсне, или Наш Чехов» с Юрием Стояновым в главной роли...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Film Theatre. RU» , more details in our Terms of Service
Youri Nikolaevich Stoyanov
Last position: The author, the anchorman "100 Yanov" on Russia-1 channel (VGTRK)
Helena Drapeko
Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee State Duma on culture)
Yevdokiya Germanova
Last position: Actress
Darya Volga
Last position: Actress, TV host, artist
Chekhov A. P.