In the Japanese city of Hamura film screening of the feature film "Kurmandzhan Tat"] took plac

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Action is organized by group of friendship Kyrgyzstan – Hamura Segodnya, on June 30, within celebration of the 30 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Kyrgyzstan and Japan in the city of Hamura (Tokyo) with assistance of Embassy Kyrgyz Republic in Japan film screening of the feature film "Kurmandzhan Tat" took place. Representatives of the city hall of Hamura, the ambassador participated in action – the volunteer of friendship and Hamura's good will and Kyrgyzstan Meath Re, friends of diplomatic mission, and also Hamura's showing interest to the Territory the inhabitants. In a welcoming speech the ambassador Arstanbaev Mirlan congratulated all present on the 30 anniversary...