The Russian director can become the member American academy cinema arts and sciences

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American academy cinema arts and sciences, handing over the award "Oscar", invited 397 new participants. About it reported weekly magazine "Variety". Actresses  Anna Dzhozefin Marie Teylor-Dzhoy and Arianne DeBos, the actor Dzheyms Piter Maksvell Dornan and other cultural figures can become members of academy the singer Billy Aylish Payrat Berd O’Konnell. The list also included the Russian director Anton Dyakov, put short to "Boksbalet's" animation. As notes the edition if 397 new applicants become members American academy cinema arts and sciences, their number will increase to 10 665 people. And 9 665 will have the right to vote for the 95th 89th Academy Awards which will take place 12...
Anton Dyakov
Last position: Animator, director, screenwriter, artist
Arianne DeBos
Last position: Actress, singer
James Peter Maksvell Dornan (Jamie Dornan)
Last position: Actor, model, musician
A. M. P. A. S
Main activity:Culture and sports