"Roma" called players of "Juventus" who could be included in the transaction on Nikolo Dzanyolo

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"Roma" is ready to include in the transaction on sale the halfback of club Nikolo Dzanyolo some players of "Juventus" which is the main applicant for signing of the football player. In number of players whom "Roma" would like to see in the structure, entered Ramos Arthur, Fabio Miretti and Dzhakomo Vrioni. About it reports Tuttomercatoweb. According to a source, "Juventus" in every way tries to lower requested for the halfback combined Italy the price which makes €50-60 million Ramos Arthur looks one of options for the Roman club, however is reported that the Brazilian player not on the first place in...
Nikolo Dzanyolo
Main activity:Athlete
Dzhakomo Vrioni
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Ramos Arthur