Birthday of the Hero of the Russian Federation, space pilot Oleg Kononenko

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Today Hera of the Russian Federation, the space pilot Russian Federation Oleg Kononenko accepts birthday greetings. In 1996 Oleg Kononenko began passing of a course of all-space preparation to TsPK. In two years, having perfectly passed the state examinations, Oleg Kononenko finished course OKP and "astronaut tester" received qualification. Oleg Kononenko executed the first space flight from April 8 to October 24, 2008 as the flight engineer of TPK "Soyuz-TMA-12", the flight engineer of the 17th main expedition on ISS. Duration of flight made 199 days. During flight it was carried out...
Oleg Kononenko
Last position: Instructor-astronaut-tester (Federal state-financed institution "Institute for scientific research TSPK named after Yu. A. Gagarina")
Makkleyn Anne Sharlott
Main activity:Field expert
Sergei Prokopyev
Last position: Astronaut-tester (Federal state-financed institution "Institute for scientific research TSPK named after Yu. A. Gagarina")
Davide Sen-Zhak
Main activity:Field expert
Ovchinin Aleksey