In TsDR let out performance about circus and a platform

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On June 29 and 30 in "The dramatic art and direction center" on the Falcon there will pass the prime minister Zvukodrama Pavel and Danila Aleksandrovich Rassomakhin Rassomakhinykh "The following number". Action of performance happens in the 1970th years, during an era of such performers as Yengibarov Leonid, Roman Kartsev, Ilchenko Victor, Mikhail Mikhaylovich Zhvanetsky, Edouard Khil who could act without make-up, scenery, special effects and to collect the whole stadiums. The main character, the fictional circus actor Teplov Alexander, looks for who wrote on it a false denunciation and broke a long-awaited trip on competition in District of Monte Carlo. "the 70th – the brightest period of the Soviet platform, – tells...