On materials checks of prosecutor's offices Motygino district are brought criminal cases about illegal cabins of forest plantings with causing damage for the sum over 1,3 million rubles

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office of the Motygino district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory carried out an inspection of observance of the legislation on forest exploitation. It is established that in the territory of the Kulakovsky local forest area KGBU "Motyginskoe lesnichestvo" in the absence of allowing documents in the fall of 2021 and in the spring of 2022 are made illegal cabins of trees of breed "pine", "fir" and "fir-tree". As a result of illegal actions the damage for the sum more than 1,3 million rubles is caused to forest fund. Prosecutor's office sent materials checks to investigative body for the solution of a question of the criminal...